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Hands-on Pipe Joining Seminar This practical course is "how to" of the pipe joining, handling and installation. Learn all about the materials, tools and procedures behind professional IPEX installation, including complete lesson describing joining techniques for thermoplastic systems. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION
On-site System 636 Flue Gas Venting Training Do you or your organization require System 636 product installation and solvent cementing training? Contact IPEX to discuss organizing a group training session or find out when courses are being held in your local area. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION
A Radon mitigation system is a life-safety application. Register now for a training session providing technical information on: Radon Gas and Its Health Effects Radon Mitigation in New and Existing Construction Building Code Requirements in Canada for Radon Mitigation Introduction to IPEX’s Radon Mitigation Solution: RadonX™ Soil Gas Venting Product Overview Codes & Standards Compliance […]
Join us for the premier water and wastewater event in BC and the Yukon! Connect with over 180 industry suppliers and learn about new technology and products. BCWWA Conference Penticton Trade & Convention Centre Penticton, BC Trade show: May 14 & 15
Whether you are new to thermoplastic solutions or a long-standing customer, your local Customer Service and in-field Technical Sales Representatives provide the support you need. It's this service that distinguishes IPEX in the marketplace.