Ring-Tite® / Enviro-Tite SDR 35 & 28 PVC Pipe (PSM)


Ring-Tite PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe DR28

colour Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
Green 4 100 042074
5 135 042075
6 150 042076
White 4 100 042164
5 135 042078
6 150 042166

Ring-Tite PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe DR35

colour Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
Green 4 100 039204
5 135 039150
6 150 039206
8 200 041148
10 250 041149
12 300 041412
15 375 041152
18 450 041448
21 525 041449
24 600 041450
27 675 041451
30 750 041459
36 900 041453
42 1050 041481
48 1200 041038
54 1350 041040
60 1500 041039

Enviro-Tite PVC Sewer Pipe DR28

colour Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
Green 4 100 042036
5 135 042037
6 150 042038
White 4 100 042114
5 135 042115
6 150 042116

Enviro-Tite PVC Sewer Pipe DR35

colour Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
Green 4 100 039207
5 135 039208
6 150 039209
8 200 041850
10 250 041851
12 300 041852
15 375 041855

Tee G x G x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043104
5 135 043443
6 x 4 150 x 100 043105
6 150 043106
8 x 4 200 x 100 043094
8 x 5 200 x 135 043095
8 x 6 200 x 150 043096
8 200 043098
10 x 4 250 x 100 043102
10 x 5 250 x 135 043085
10 x 6 250 x 150 043099
10 x 8 250 x 200 043108
10 250 043089
12 x 4 300 x 100 043091
12 x 5 300 x 135 043109
12 x 6 300 x 150 043103
12 x 8 300 x 200 043100
12 x 10 300 x 250 043078
12 300 043101
15 x 4 375 x 100 043092
15 x 5 375 x 135 043246
15 x 6 375 x 150 043110
15 x 8 375 x 200 043111
15 x 10 375 x 250 043112
15 x 12 375 x 300 043113
15 375 043107
18 x 4 450 x 100 043912
18 x 6 450 x 150 043114
18 x 8 450 x 200 043891
18 x 10 450 x 250 043911
18 x 12 450 x 300 043910
18 x 15 450 x 375 043347
18 450 043444
21 x 4 525 x 100 043004
21 x 6 525 x 150 043115
21 x 8 525 x 200 043908
21 x 10 525 x 250 043907
21 x 12 525 x 300 043889
21 x 15 525 x 375 *
21 x 18 525 x 450 043349
21 525 043906
24 x 4 600 x 100 043809
24 x 6 600 x 150 043351
24 x 8 600 x 200 043905
24 x 10 600 x 250 043353
24 x 12 600 x 300 043359
24 x 15 600 x 375 043037
24 x 18 600 x 450 043045
24 x 21 600 x 525 043354
24 600 043044
27 x 4 675 x 100 *
27 x 6 675 x 150 043888
27 x 8 675 x 200 *
27 x 10 675 x 250 043360
27 x 12 675 x 300 *
27 x 15 675 x 375
27 x 18 675 x 450
27 x 21 675 x 525
27 x 24 675 x 600
27 675

Tee Wye G x G x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043156
6 x 4 150 x 100 043158
6 150 043449
8 x 4 200 x 100 043159
8 x 6 200 x 150 043160
8 200 043450
10 x 4 250 x 100 043693
10 x 6 250 x 150 043451
10 x 8 250 x 200 043452
12 x 4 300 x 100 043453
12 x 6 300 x 150 043454
12 x 8 300 x 200 043455
15 x 4 375 x 100 043456
15 x 6 375 x 150 043457
15 x 8 375 x 200 043458
18 x 4 450 x 100 043999
18 x 6 450 x 150 043459
18 x 8 450 x 200 043460
21 x 4 525 x 100 *
21 x 6 525 x 150 043116
21 x 8 525 x 200 *
24 x 4 600 x 100 043046
24 x 6 600 x 150 *
24 x 8 600 x 200
27 x 4 675 x 100
27 x 6 675 x 150

Test Tee - Sanitary

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4x4x4 (C) 100x100x100 (C) 043646
5x4x4 (C) 135x100x100 (C) 043647
5x5x4 (C) 135x135x100 (C) 043648
6x6x4 (C) 150x150x100 (C) 043649


(C): Cap

Test Tee - Storm

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4x4x4 (C) 100x100x100 (C) 043666
5x4x4 (C) 135x100x100 (C) 043667
5x5x4 (C) 135x135x100 (C) 043668
6x6x4 (C) 150x150x100 (C) 043669


(C): Cap

45° Wye G x G x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043304
5 x 4 135 x 100 043303
5 135 043305
6 x 4 150 x 100 043307
6 150 043306
8 x 4 200 x 100 043294
8 x 6 200 x 150 043296
8 200 043298
10 x 4 250 x 100 043311
10 x 6 250 x 150 043312
10 x 8 250 x 200 043313
10 250 043308
12 x 4 300 x 100 043319
12 x 6 300 x 150 043276
12 x 8 300 x 200 043314
12 x 10 300 x 250 043315
12 300 043309
15 x 4 375 x 100 043320
15 x 6 375 x 150 043153
15 x 8 375 x 200 043316
15 x 10 375 x 250 143317
15 x 12 375 x 300 143318
15 375 143310
18 x 4 450 x 100 143904
18 x 6 450 x 150 143903
18 x 8 450 x 200 043902
18 x 10 450 x 250 043362
18 x 12 450 x 300 043363
18 x 15 450 x 375 043901
18 450 043900
21 x 4 525 x 100 043899
21 x 6 525 x 150 043898
21 x 8 525 x 200 043897
21 x 10 525 x 250 043896
21 x 12 525 x 300 043895
21 x 15 525 x 375 043894
21 x 18 525 x 450 043893
21 525 043467
24 x 4 600 x 100 043488
24 x 6 600 x 150 043364
24 x 8 600 x 200 043799
24 x 10 600 x 250 043892
24 x 12 600 x 300 043042
24 x 15 600 x 375 043554
24 x 18 600 x 450 043041
24 x 21 600 x 525 *
24 600 043040
27 x 4 675 x 100 043551
27 x 6 675 x 150 043787
27 x 8 675 x 200 043549
27 x 10 675 x 250 043890
27 x 12 675 x 300 *
27 x 15 675 x 375
27 x 18 675 x 450
27 x 21 675 x 525
27 x 24 675 x 600
27 675

Double 45o Wye G x G x G x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 x 4 150 x 100 043254
6 150 043255
8 x 4 200 x 100 043258
8 x 6 200 x 150 043469
8 200 043260
10 x 4 250 x 100 *
10 x 6 250 x 150 043251
12 x 4 300 x 100 *
12 x 6 300 x 150 043259
12 x 8 300 x 200 043248
15 x 4 375 x 100 *
15 x 6 375 x 150
15 x 8 375 x 200
15 x 10 375 x 250
15 x 12 375 x 300
18 x 4 450 x 100
18 x 6 450 x 150
18 x 8 450 x 200
18 x 10 450 x 250
18 x 12 450 x 300
18 x 15 450 x 375

90° Elbow G x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043214
6 150 043216
8 200 043217
10 250 043218
12 300 043219
15 375 043220
18 450 043239
21 525 043955
24 600 043989
27 675 043204

90° Elbow Sp x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043234
6 150 043236
8 200 043238
10 250 043205
12 300 043206
15 375 043221
18 450 043948
21 525 043945
24 600 043942
27 675 *

45° Elbow G x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043504
5 135 043505
6 150 043506
8 200 043507
10 250 043508
12 300 043509
15 375 143515
18 450 043971
21 525 043957
24 600 043953
27 675 043516

45° Elbow Sp x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043404
5 135 043405
6 150 043406
8 200 043407
10 250 043411
12 300 043412
15 375 143951
18 450 043203
21 525 043946
24 600 043943
27 675 *

22-1/2° Elbow G x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043964
5 135 043968
6 150 043969
8 200 043963
10 250 043966
12 300 043965
15 375 043967
18 450 043174
21 525 043958
24 600 043954
27 675 043808

22-1/2° Elbow Sp x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043977
5 135 043976
6 150 043975
8 200 043972
10 250 043973
12 300 043974
15 375 043952
18 450 043949
21 525 043947
24 600 043944
27 675 043199

45° Long Radius Bend Sp x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043143
5 135 043365
6 150 043166
8 200 043144
10 250 043151
12 300 043152

22-1/2° Long Radius Bend Sp x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043172
5 135 043366
6 150 043922
8 200 043139
10 250 043140
12 300 043141

Repair Coupling G x G (w/o pipe stop)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043624
5 135 043625
6 150 043626
8 200 043627
10 250 043630
12 300 143631
15 375 043637
18 450 043941
21 525 043938
24 600 043937
27 675 043670

Coupling G x G (with stop)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043640
5 135 043641
6 150 043643
8 200 043644
10 250 043645
12 300 043632
15 375 043638
18 450 043935
21 525 043934
24 600 043933
27 675 043940

Increaser SP x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
5 x 4 135 x 100 043729
6 x 4 150 x 100 043939
8 x 4 200 x 100 043621
8 x 6 200 x 150 043620
10 x 4 250 x 100 043368
10 x 6 250 x 150 043618
10 x 8 250 x 200 043622
12 x 6 300 x 150 043617
12 x 8 300 x 200 043616
12 x 10 300 x 250 043623
15 x 4 375 x 100 043369
15 x 6 375 x 150 043300
15 x 8 375 x 200 043370
15 x 10 375 x 250 043371
15 x 12 375 x 300 043615
18 x 8 450 x 200 043538
18 x 10 450 x 250 043678
18 x 12 450 x 300 043629
18 x 15 450 x 375 043539
21 x 12 525 x 300 *
21 x 15 525 x 375 043288
21 x 18 525 x 450 043673
24 x 12 600 x 300 043047
24 x 15 600 x 375 043048
24 x 18 600 x 450 043674
24 x 21 600 x 525 043675
27 x 12 675 x 300 043679
27 x 15 675 x 375 *
27 x 18 675 x 450 043289
27 x 21 675 x 525 043676
27 x 24 675 x 600 043677

Eccentric Increaser Sp x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 x 4 150 x 100 043237
10 x 4 250 x 100 043268
10 x 5 250 x 135 043655
10 x 6 250 x 150 043269
10 x 8 250 x 200 043270
12 x 4 300 x 100 043271
12 x 5 300 x 135 043656
12 x 6 300 x 150 043272
12 x 8 300 x 200 043273
12 x 10 300 x 250 043274
15 x 4 375 x 100 043275
15 x 6 375 x 150 043277
15 x 8 375 x 200 043278
15 x 10 375 x 250 043279
15 x 12 375 x 300 043280
18 x 4 450 x 100 043281
18 x 6 450 x 150 043282
18 x 8 450 x 200 043230
18 x 10 450 x 250 043512
18 x 12 450 x 300 043283
18 x 15 450 x 375 043284
21 x 15 525 x 375 043285
21 x 18 525 x 450 *
24 x 18 600 x 450
24 x 21 600 x 525
27 x 21 675 x 525
27 x 24 675 x 600

Increaser Coupling G x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 x 4 150 x 100 043882
8 x 4 200 x 100 043536
8 x 6 200 x 150 043535
10 x 6 250 x 150 043528
10 x 8 250 x 200 043531
12 x 6 300 x 150 143530
12 x 8 300 x 200 143532
12 x 10 300 x 250 143520
15 x 6 375 x 150 043931
15 x 8 375 x 200 043930
15 x 10 375 x 250 043533
15 x 12 375 x 300 043534
18 x 8 450 x 200 043690
18 x 10 450 x 250 043929
18 x 12 450 x 300 043293
18 x 15 450 x 375 043928
21 x 4 525 x 100 043927
21 x 8 525 x 200 043926
21 x 10 525 x 250 043925
21 x 12 525 x 300 043924
21 x 15 525 x 375 043923
21 x 18 525 x 450 043921
24 x 4 600 x 100 043920
24 x 6 600 x 150 043919
24 x 8 600 x 200 043918
24 x 10 600 x 250 043917
24 x 12 600 x 300 043916
24 x 15 600 x 375 043915
24 x 18 600 x 450 043914
24 x 21 600 x 525 043913
27 x 12 675 x 300 *
27 x 15 675 x 375
27 x 18 675 x 450
27 x 21 675 x 525
27 x 24 675 x 600

Saddle Wye (c/w 2 straps)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 x 4 150 x 100 043594
8 x 4 200 x 100 043595
8 x 6 200 x 150 043598
10 x 4 250 x 100 043599
10 x 6 250 x 150 043596
12 x 4 300 x 100 043600
12 x 6 300 x 150 043597
15 x 4 375 x 100 043603
15 x 6 375 x 150 043602
18 x 4 450 x 100 043440
18 x 6 450 x 150 043441
21 x 4 525 x 100 043442
21 x 6 525 x 150 *
24 x 4 600 x 100
24 x 6 600 x 150 043584
27 x 4 675 x 100 *
27 x 6 675 x 150

Saddle Tee (c/w 2 straps)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 x 4 150 x 100 043125
8 x 4 200 x 100 043124
8 x 6 200 x 150 043126
10 x 4 250 x 100 043127
10 x 6 250 x 150 043129
12 x 4 300 x 100 043130
12 x 6 300 x 150 043132
15 x 4 375 x 100 043133
15 x 6 375 x 150 043135
18 x 4 450 x 100 043429
18 x 6 450 x 150 043431
21 x 4 525 x 100 043432
21 x 6 525 x 150 043433
24 x 4 600 x 100 043434
24 x 6 600 x 150 043585
27 x 4 675 x 100 043703
27 x 6 675 x 150 043477

Universal Storm Sewer Saddle (c/w Bell & Seating Gasket)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 082244
5 135 082245
6 150 082246
8 200 082248

Stainless Steel Strap

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 150 043346
8 200 043348
10 250 043350
12 300 043352

Bell Cleanout Adapter

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 150 043760

Spigot Cleanout Adapter

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 150 043750

Adapter Coupling G x G (PVC Sp to ABS)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043712
5 x 4 135 x 100 043711
6 x 4 150 x 100 043713

Adapter Coupling G x G (PVC Sp to AC Sp)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043720
5 x 4 135 x 100 043642

Clay Tile Adapter Sp x Sp (Clay G to PVC G)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043169
6 150 043170
8 200 043171

M Adapter Sp x G

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 150 081319

Adapter PVC Gasket x PVC Hub (G x Solvent Weld Hub)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043858

Bushing Adapter AC Bell x PVC Sp (Sp x G)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 x 4 100 x 100 043724
8 x 8 200 x 200 043727

Bushing Adapter PVC Bell x AC Sp (Sp x G)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
6 x 5 150 x 135 043619

Adapter PVC Bell (off concrete main)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043770
6 150 043771
8 200 043772

Sanded Manhole Bell (w/o stop)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043060
5 135 043334
6 150 043061
8 200 043063
10 250 043064
12 300 043065
15 375 043062
18 450 043066
21 525 043067
24 600 043068
27 675 043591

Manhole Adapter G x SP (24”/600mm long)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043297
5 135 043299
6 150 043301
8 200 043302
10 250 043328
12 300 043329
15 375 043330
18 450 043331
21 525 043548
24 600 043332
27 675 *

Wing Adapter (mortar-on)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043190
5 135 043192
6 150 043191
8 200 043193
10 250 043194
12 300 043195
15 375 043196
18 450 *
21 525
24 600
27 675

Spigot Plug

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043734
5 135 043735
6 150 043736
8 200 043738
10 250 043740
12 300 043741
15 375 043742
18 450 043743
21 525 043744
24 600 043745
27 675 043751


Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043959
5 135 043960
6 150 043988
8 200 043961
10 250 043886
12 300 043987
15 375 043962
18 450 043746
21 525 043747
24 600 043168
27 675 043749

Hand Tight Expansion End Plug

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
4 100 043200
5 135 043201
6 150 043202
8 200 043212

Boot Jack - Sanitary

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
5x4x4x4 (P) 135x100x100x100 (P) 043705
6x5x5x4 (P) 150x135x135x100 (P) 043706
6x4x4x4 (P) 150x100x100x100 (P) 043707


(P): Plug

Boot Jack - Storm

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
5x4x4x4 (P) 135x100x100x100 (P) 043715
6x5x5x4 (P) 150x135x135x100 (P) 043716
6x4x4x4 (P) 150x100x100x100 (P) 043717


(P): Plug


Metric Product Code
1 kg container 074811
4 kg container 074812

InsertaTees (for DR35 PVC Sewer Pipe)

Dimensions (inches) Dimensions (mm) Product Code
8 x 4 200 x 100 072434
10 x 4 250 x 100 072440
10 x 6 250 x 150 072441
12 x 4 300 x 100 072436
12 x 6 300 x 150 072437
12 x 8 300 x 200 072442
15 x 4 375 x 100 072438
15 x 6 375 x 150 072443
15 x 8 375 x 200 072444
18 x 4 450 x 100 072439
18 x 6 450 x 150 072445
18 x 8 450 x 200 072446
18 x 10 450 x 250 072447
18 x 12 450 x 300 072448
21 x 4 525 x 100 072449
21 x 6 525 x 150 072450
21 x 8 525 x 200 072451
21 x 10 525 x 250 072452
21 x 12 525 x 300 072453
21 x 15 525 x 375 -
24 x 4 600 x 100 072583
24 x 6 600 x 150 072584
24 x 8 600 x 200 072585
24 x 10 600 x 250 072586
24 x 12 600 x 300 072587
27 x 4 675 x 100 072588
27 x 6 675 x 150 072589
27 x 8 675 x 200 072590
27 x 10 675 x 250 072591
27 x 12 675 x 300 072592
* 30 x 4 750 x 100 072593
* 30 x 6 750 x 150 072594
* 30 x 8 750 x 200 072595
* 30 x 10 750 x 250 072596
* 30 x 12 750 x 300 072597
** 36 x 4 900 x 100 072598
** 36 x 6 900 x 150 072599
** 36 x 8 900 x 200 072600
** 36 x 10 900 x 250 072601
** 36 x 12 900 x 300 072602


* 30” DR35 32.000” O.D. Pipe w .915 WT Pipe ** 36” DR35 38.300” O.D. Pipe w 1.100 WT Pipe

SDR35 Adapter Bushing (for transition between Solvent Weld & Ring-Tite)

Dimensions (inches) Product Code
4 x 3 Extended Sp x H 243040